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Tangent Planes of Graphs

Recall from single-variable calculus that we can use a tangent line to approximate the behavior of a function near a point. Given a point on a curve , the tangent line at is given by the following:

We can extend this idea to multivariable functions. Instead of a tangent line, we use a tangent plane to approximate the behavior of a function near a point.

Before even attempting to find the tangent plane, let's explore 3D planes a bit more to build some intuition.

Table of Contents

Understanding and Controlling 3D Planes in Space

There are many ways to represent a plane in 3D space. We have previously explored planes in the context of linear algebra, where a plane is defined by a normal vector and a point, i.e. .

Let the plane be a function of and :

Consider a point in 3D space, . Then, consider a plane such that the plane passes through the point . There could be many such planes, so we will need to specify more information to uniquely determine the plane.

The first property of this plane function, is that it must pass through the point . This can be expressed as:

Next, consider the slope of the plane. If we slice the plane along the -axis, we will see a line, and likewise for the -axis (check above for a visualization). This can then be expressed as:

Where is some arbitrary constant. We can use these equations to try to get the equation for the plane.

First, consider the first equation . This means that is equal to plus something that doesn't depend on :

Likewise, the second equation means that is equal to plus something that doesn't depend on :

Combining these two equations, we would get something like:

What should be? We know that , so we can substitute these values in:

This gives us a system of equations that we can solve to find the values of , , and . For example, given these following slopes:

Then, we can find the equation of the plane:

Given that , we can plug in these values to find :

Thus, the equation of the plane is:

Another way to think about this is through some function transformation. Going back to what we had:

Let's rewrite using the following:

Where is a new constant. This is equivalent to the previous equation (the partial derivatives are the same), but once we plug in , we get:

Meaning that . We can generalize this. Given a point , and the slopes and , the equation of the plane is:

This is essentially the 3D equivalent of the slope-intercept form of a line, .

Computing the Tangent Plane

Now that we have a better understanding of 3D planes, let's compute the tangent plane of a function at a point .

The tangent plane can be defined using the slopes of the function at that point, and the point itself. Hence, the equation of the tangent plane is:

This is the 3D equivalent of the tangent line in single-variable calculus.

Notice that the first two terms resemble a dot product between the gradient of the function and the vector . If we set and , then the equation of the tangent plane can be written as:

Which is even closer to the slope-intercept form of a line:

Linearity of Tangent Planes

A linear function, for this context, is a function that can be written in the form . In other words, the output of the function is a linear combination of the inputs.

Usually, the input of the function is collected into a vector like . The output is then written as a dot product of that vector with a coefficient vector:

In a tangent plane, however, we add a constant term to the linear function. Now the output is a linear combination of the inputs plus a constant:

This is no longer a linear function, but an affine function.

Local Linearization

Recall, in single-variable calculus, that the tangent line is used to approximate the behavior of a function near a point.

In this case, we can do the same. Suppose we have a nonlinear function . We can approximate the function near a point using a tangent plane.

Recall from Equation that the equation of the tangent plane is:

And as such, this can be used to approximate the function near the point .

Example Problem: Tangent Plane of a Multivariable Function

The function is given. Find the equation of the tangent plane at the point .

To find the equation of the tangent plane, we need to find the partial derivatives of at the point :

Plugging in the values , we get:

Thus, the equation of the tangent plane is as follows, using the point :

Example Problem: Approximating an Expression

Solve for an approximate value for the following expression:


To solve this problem, we need to find a function that approximates the given expression. Let's define the function as follows:

Recall that, to find the local linearization of a function, we need:

  1. The value of
  2. The partial derivatives of at

We can set , , and , a close approximation to the values in the expression. Then, we can find the value of the function at :

This itself serves as a close approximation to the original expression, but we can get closer! Next, we need to find the partial derivatives of at , the easiest of which is :

For the other partial derivatives, we need to use the chain rule to find the derivatives of the inner functions:

Finally, for , another application of the chain rule is needed:

We have three components in these partial derivatives. Evaluating them one by one at :

Hence the partial derivatives at are:

Recall the equation of the tangent plane for local linearization:

Plugging in the values, we get:

Finally, using the values , , and , we can find the approximate value of the expression:

Thus, the approximate value of the expression is .

The Actual Value

The actual value for the expression is . The approximation is very close (within ), showing the power of local linearization in approximating functions.


We have explored the concept of tangent planes in 3D space, and how they can be used to approximate the behavior of a function near a point.

  • The equation of a plane in 3D space can be written as .

    • and are the slopes of the plane along the and axes respectively.
    • is a constant that determines the height of the plane.
  • The equation of the tangent plane of a function at a point is given by:

  • The equation of the tangent plane can also be written in vector form as:

  • The tangent plane is an affine function, not a linear function.

  • The tangent plane can be used to approximate the behavior of a function near a point, a concept known as local linearization.

Next, we will learn about quadratic approximations, another method to approximate functions near a point. Eventually, we will generalize even further to the Multivariable Taylor Series, which can approximate functions to any degree near a point.